Using Traffic Models as a Tool When Creating Noise Maps -Methods used in the EU-project QCity

In this working paper we describe a method to adapt outputs of a macroscopic transport model to a noise mapping software. The interface has been developed as a part of a study in the EU-project QCity where noise effects of traffic control measures are analysed. A noise map of a base scenario where no policy has been applied is presented. Moreover a sensitivity analysis of speed data input is made, where speed limits is used instead of modelled speed. It shows that speed limits gives up to 3 dB higher noise levels than use of modelled speed. We believe this is an aspect to consider when official noise maps and action plans are created, as official speed restrictions are often used instead of actual speed.

Pia Sundbergh, Research Engineer Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden

Danske Keywords:
Vägtrafikbuller, trafikmodeller, bullerkartering, trafikstyrning, bullerkarta, åtgärdsplan

Engelske Keywords:
Road traffic noise, traffic models, noise mapping, traffic control, noise map, action plan
