Matching observed public route choice data to a GIS network

This paper is motivated by a growing interest in providing insight into route choices of public transport users. Literature has paid increasing attention to route choices of private car users, but only limited efforts have been posed toward the understanding of route choices in public transport networks. Observations on route choices are collected in the Danish National Travel Survey (Transportvaneundersøgelsen, TU) where respondents describe their chosen route (e.g., modes, times, origins, destinations). In this paper methods are developed to match these data to a GIS network in order to be able to compare the observed routes with routes generated by means of a GIS application.

Marie K. Anderson, DTU Transport Thomas K. Rasmussen, DTU Transport

Danske Keywords:
Rutevalg, kollektiv transport, GIS

Engelske Keywords:
Route choice, public transportation, GIS


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