A case study on concordance between self-reported accidents and records by hospital and police

A self-report questionnaire on bicycle accidents was distributed to 6.793 respondents every month during one year (2012/2013). This paper evaluates respondents’ understanding of the questionnaire’s phrasings and content, and provides insight in the concordance between hospital data, police data and self-reports concerning the number of accidents as well as basic accident information.
694 accidents were reported by respondents. 99 of these were self-reported to have had medical care at the hospital; 74 of these accidents could be matched to a hospital record. Only 53 were actually registered in the hospital records as having had a traffic accident. Information on the primary counterpart is compared, and good agreement is found between self-reports and hospital records (Kappa =0.63).
23 respondents self-reported that a police report had been filed, yet only 6 accidents could be located in the police files.
The findings are relevant to the level of underreporting of bicycle accidents in Denmark, as it indicates that there could be substantially more accidents that noted in official records.

Katrine Meltofte, AAU Tanja K. O. Madsen, AAU Anne Vingaard Olesen, AAU Harry Lahrmann, AAU

Danske Keywords:
underrapportering, selvrapportering, cyklistuheld, hospitals data, Projekt Cykeljakken

Engelske Keywords:
under-reporting, self-reporting, bicycle accidents, hospital records,


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