Waiting Time Strategy for Public Transport Passengers

To overcome future challenges in urban transport it is crucial that the transport models provide a better approximation of the real travel costs for public transport trips. Todays transport models use the assumption of random passenger arrivals, which we have proved overestimates the real travel costs passengers is experiencing in low-frequency services. This study presents results from field registrations and surveys, passengers’ actual waiting time and their waiting time strategies. The results show that passengers plan their arrival to bus stops, which implies a lower waiting time than assumed in the transport models. Though random arrivals probably represents a realistic arrival pattern in frequent public transport services, the arrival pattern is quite different in low-frequency services. This could partly be defended by saying we include the hidden as well as the registered waiting time. However, it seems unlikely that the current assumptions in transport model is representing waiting time strategy in a meaningful way, and thus it should be investigated further. Results given in this paper indicate how transport models could develop to better deal with low-frequency public transport services.

Magnus Frestad Nygaard, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Trude Tørset, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Danske Keywords:
Kollektiv transport Ventetid Transport modeller Feltundersøgelse

Engelske Keywords:
Public Transport Waiting time Transport models Field survey


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