The Vordingborg project - Co-ordination of Public Transport Service

This paper describes how the Municipality of Vordingborg reorganised and co-ordinated the Public Transport Service of Vordingborg. The Vordingborg Project achieved some outstanding results. Increasing the overall level of service and at the same time saving a substantial amount of money. The Vordingborg Project builds on the knowledge and development work performed by the consultancy NOVA PRO and on the EU THERMIE Project ERANTIS, and its work on a more energy and environmental efficient Public Transport. One of the main tools is a special set-up and use of standard email system and the Microsoft Excel software.

Preben Thisgaard, NOVA PRO Rikke Tovbjerg Simonsen, Vordingborg kommune

Danske Keywords:
transport koordinering, kollektiv trafik, mere effektiv og billigere kollektiv trafik, brug af standard IT udstyr

Engelske Keywords:
Public transport, transport co-ordination, use of standard information technology, Microsoft Excel as planning, dispatch and administrative tool


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